Information Security
Code Snippets
Code Snippets
Accessing a SQLite database with Python - python
Apply a visible watermark across the face of an image - bash
Assign a default group to any files created in a directory on Linux - bash
Assign a variable to the result of a command - bash
Calculate SSAS User Stats from OLAP Query Log - sql
Change to the previous directory at the Linux terminal - bash
Combine a list of videos together into one longer video - bash
Combine an audio and video track in ffmpeg - bash
Combine an audio file and a static image into a video - bash
Combine private key and public key into pfx certificate - bash
Convert JSON to CSV with jq - bash
Convert Unix time to datetime - python
Convert video to a Twitter-friendly format - bash
Copy data from one table into another - sql
Count file extensions in directory - bash
Create a clustered primary key in a SQLite table - sqlite
Create a primary key on multiple columns - sql
Create a quick SOCKS proxy to use with Chrome - bash
Create a quick progress counter to monitor the performance of tight loops - python
Create a table in a database if it doesn't already exist - sql
Create all parent directories in a file path - python
Create an MS SQL user and grant permissions - sql
Create and Manage Users and Groups on Linux - bash
Creating a Headless Service from a .NET Core Console App - csharp
Creating a Systemd startup for a service - ini
Disable all indexes on a table in SQL Server - sql
Display information about the currently active/focused window - bash
Display the top 20 directories in the current folder sorted by file count - bash
Download a video from youtube and extract the vocals - bash
Drop a view (if it exists) and recreate it - sql
Extract a match from grep and remove extra information from the line output - bash
Extract redirect destination from a shortlink - bash
Filter JSON in jq with one of many values - bash
Filter a list of elements on a webpage by a range of values (min/max) - js
Find Wordpress API routes for a site - bash
Find a process by keyword and display the owner, process ID, and command - bash
Find an application to install from Ubuntu's software store (apt) - bash
Find and rebuild fragmented indexes in SQL Server - sql
Find duplicate records in a table - sql
Find files or directories containing keyword - bash
Find largest directories in Bash - bash
Find open ports for a process - powershell
Find the Window Class (WM_CLASS) for a window - bash
Format JSON in the terminal - bash
Generate a C# Entity Framework model for a database table - sql
Get Certificate Expiration Date in a Shell Script - bash
Get Table Information (Schema, Table, Size) for a Database on SQL Server - sql
Get public IP address from the terminal - bash
Hash a large file in Python - python
How to run multiple Telegram Desktop instances at once on Linux - bash
Ignore null values in jq output - bash
Inject a download button onto a webpage - js
Inject buttons onto a webpage to enumerate prev/next page - js
Insert an inline list of values into a table - sql
Install SSH on Windows 10 and enable key-based authentication - powershell
Install a new locale/language on the Linux terminal - bash
LXC bind mount directory with read/write permissions - bash
List Free Disk Space in a SQL Server Database - sql
List all schemas, tables, and columns in a database - sql
List the Column Sizes of Each Table in a SQL Server Database - sql
Look up a user on VirusTotal - bash
Loop through lines in a file - bash
Make a file or script executable on Linux - bash
Make an offline mirror of a website with wget - bash
Monitor an SPA (like Twitter) and act when a certain page is loaded - js
Monitor the response from an Ajax call - js
Navigate items on a page with arrow keys - js
Optimized Bulk Table Update for T-SQL - sql
Parse JSON with jq and ignore lines with errors - bash
Parse the current webpage's query string - js
Print the raw HTTP request from Python's requests library - python
Python date formatting - python
Redirect error text to standard output - bash
Redirect standard and error output from a command to a file - bash
Redirect standard and error output from a command to a file and show it in the terminal - bash
Run SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) as another user - cmd
Run command as another user - cmd
Running npm install on IPv4-only network and latest Node.js - bash
SQL Server Analysis Services show last connection to a cube - dmx
SQL Server Analysis Services show last cube processed date - dmx
SQL Server Analysis Services show last session to a cube - dmx
SQL Server Full-Text Indexing Scripts - sql
SQLite date column with default value - sqlite
Scrape a list of URLs and print the status code returned - bash
Search for a regular expression in multiple files - bash
Search for email domains in a set of text files and find the most popular - bash
Select an inline table of data - sql
Select the first row in each group - sql
Send a keypress to a process by Window Class - bash
Set window class in a PyGame program - python
Show SSH algorithms and ciphers supported by a host/IP - bash
Show SSL/TLS/x509 certificate information for a remote host - bash
Split video into frames and then combine at 30fps - bash
Spread a long shell command over multiple lines - bash
Support multiple commands/verbs in argparse - python
Test a server for vulnerability against the SWEET32 attack - bash
Test open ports for AFP/Bonjour/Avahi - bash
Track UPDATE progress for a SQL Server query - sql
Truncate a string to a shorter length - sql
Update a table with a join - sql
User management in Postgres databases - sql
Using Dependency Injection in .NET Core Console Apps - csharp
Working with dates in SQL - sql